June 29, 2010

Red, White and Blue

Let's welcome the celebration of red, white and blue, also known as America's Independence Day on July 4th.  Like any independence day, this day symbolizes freedom and hope.  With freedom and hope comes the courage to dream and believe in your self.  Amazing things have known to happen when people believe in themselves and pursue their dreams.  Let's salute those who protect our freedom in all walks of life...

Here's the cold, sweet delight that will supplement the hot-off-the-grill barbeques and sparkling fireworks to make your Fourth of July extra special.  A classic butter cake sliced in half and topped with whipped cream and fresh berries.

June 20, 2010

Petit Fours

A combination of a few walls, a floor and a roof makes a house.  It takes people to turn it into one amazing thing called a HOME.  There really is no place like home.  And a new one always calls for celebrations.  These tiny pieces of cakes called petit fours were made for a housewarming party. 
The name is from the French petit four, meaning "small oven". Petits fours were traditionally made during the cooling process of coal powered, brick ovens in the 18th century. This was due to coal's high burning temperature, relative to wood, and its expense at the time. Wasting the heat produced was not an option.  And what a sweet idea that was...

For Daddy

From fixing our broken toys to mending a broken heart or two...let us thank dads for the strength and protection they bring to our lives.  With the World Cup soccer in the works, what better way to thank him but to bring sweet treats and his game together.  This year's special order consisted of a simple cake with cream cheese frosting and the logo of the World Cup 2010.  Ready, Set...GOAL!

June 19, 2010

Breakfast Perk

A light drizzle... the feel of the nip in the air outside (despite the month being June)...children sleeping in late...all adds up to the perfect lazy weekend morning.  What better way to enjoy the quiet solace than with some warm banana coffee muffins and a cup of your favorite beverage?  Make a lot, pack some up and it's a perfect breakfast gift to share with some friends as well...

June 17, 2010


Congratulations and celebrations, you made me very proud today!  Emilie graduated today from her pre-K class.  Yes, a small achievement but a big milestone.  Today I learnt why graduation is considered to be such a big event in life.  Sure it is an achievement, but it means a lot more than that for the parents of the achiever.  Watching my five year old walk to get her "diploma" gave me a sense of pride and silent joy.  The type that only a soul can cherish and a heart can know.  After all these years, today I realized why my parents had tears in their eyes and a smile on their lips when all I could think of was "thank God" it's over...

The cake was a mellow lemon flavor with cream cheese frosting (both inside and on top).  Edible decorations mimicked things that were part of her life in school: letters, numbers, puzzles, soccer, rainbow and all things bright.

June 6, 2010

Brownie Favors

Tiny eyes, tiny nose, little fingers and little toes.  These are the cooing delights of a baby.  These mini brownie balls were designed and created to welcome baby during a friend's baby shower.  The brownie balls were drizzled with white chocolate and decorated to mark the special occasion.