Of all the relationships that exist, the only one that is full of unconditional and uncompromising love is that of a mother. Period. No questions asked. There is no one on this planet who can take her place. Regardless of what we call her and how we call for her, it is the best balm that brings relief to all our problems. We are symbolically attached to her at birth and although the cord is cut right after, the bond is eternal. Our entire physical, mental, spiritual and social well being circles around her existence from birth till death.
The thought of her soft kisses, loving hugs, caring concern, melodious songs and the aroma of her cooking can send most of us to a happy place anytime. It is funny how the noise of her bangles from a distance that was once a sign of warning for my sister and me to scoot out of the kitchen before we got caught, has now transformed into the most comforting notion when she is around. Despite the gripes we hold or the constant generation gap we try to bridge, the safest and best place on earth is none other than a mother's abode.
Mothers are simply incredible. They guide us, bless us and forgive us over and over again even as we get it all wrong. They are selfless in their acts and have a heart larger than the universe. They would stop at nothing to protect us and keep us from harm. Being a mother now, I realize the significance of the sacrifices she has made for me, the importance of carrying smiles even when times are tough and the unbelievable strength that must be shown to succeed in this job. The best way to honor a mother's debt is to carry it forward and strive to be a mom to our children and occasionally to even those who don't have one.
Here's to mothers everywhere and wishing the two moms in my life a very happy birthday this year. May I continue to learn from you and be worthy of the most important designation of my life. Sugar paste lillies with granulated-sugar pollen adorn the dark chocolate brownie cake.