November 27, 2012

A Glass Full of Delight

It should come as no big surprise really that life's best lessons are learnt by living life itself.  Sometimes the best way to learn is through experience.  Sometimes it is better to heed the advice of the wise and yet at other times it is neither and one must rely on sheer instinct.  No matter what the outcome of each life-lesson, we have a habit of complaining and wishing for something more, something else.  The pursuit appears to be endless but what if we paused just for a second and looked around us? Will we suddenly find ourselves more fortunate than another? Will we stop lamenting about our woes and wishing that the next person's troubles never find their ways to our home?  The answer most certainly is a YES. 

Each one of us have our own battles to fight.  Each and every family has their Achilles' heels.  By wishing our troubles away and complaining that our glass is half empty we do ourselves no good.  Instead if we look at the half-filled glass we have, we can focus on the joys they bring and perhaps be less judgemental about our own selves and of others.  This holiday season let's try and enjoy whatever the glass holds for each of us and try to relax a little.  Times are getting tougher and the fight of our lives will continue to unfold as a new year dawns upon us.

Petite glasses filled with layers mimicking dark chocolate and raspberry tiramisu delights.

November 10, 2012

Life Begins at 40

An eggless mellow lemon flavored cake filled with apricot/pineapple preseve and dressed in white fondant/hotpink/black polka dot decor to match the theme of the birthday party. Cheers to living it up in the years to come!

November 6, 2012

Election Style...

Today is another day of choices: red or blue?  Meaning Republican or Democrat...who should we choose to lead our nation? Who do we make the most powerful citizen of the free nation? Freedom gives us the right to vote and choose our leaders.  But no matter what the outcome is we must remember a few things:
1.  Success of the nation lies in the hands of each and every citizen, not just the leaders.  We must continue to do our best and treat others with respect and trust.
2. Change is difficult and bringing about change that makes life better is a hard uphill task. So let's stop being judgemental.
3. As long as we strive hard and keep freedom alive a nation will prosper and progress.  Let's pledge to work together to harness in an era of good education, decent lifestyle and a sense of pride for ALL citizens.

Let us all be the change that we wish to see around us. 

November 3, 2012

Angry Anyone?

Hands down, Angry Birds is the game of the first quarter of this century.  It is yet another pivotal innovation first released on the operating system of the fruit company that does not sell a single piece of fruit.  If ever there was something that could unite nations, generations or people of various ages and backgrounds it has to be this computer game.  The game was born with a variety of wingless birds being angry at one knew what at the time.  But since swine flu was an epidemic during the creation of this application, pigs became the first (and obvious) chosen enemies (now there are other variations ofcourse). It sure is amazing how addictive it can be to propel wingless birds as projectiles to kill some bodyless pigs with all kinds of attitude.  What a remarkable creation by Rovio...

Anger can be a deadly emotion.  It not only kills your inner self but also those around you, silently.  It's okay to be mad and angry at times about things not going your way-- that is normal human psychology.  But if this emotion starts to consume your very existence then there's a problem. It would be great if there were no laws against throwing projectiles at our enemies- we too, like the birds could score big and be happy at the end of a win.  But since society prevents us from tossing bricks at each other we are forced to manage anger in other ways.  Some cry, some withdraw, some vent their feelings while some end up with worse predicaments.  I believe the worst style of anger management is when you silently burn a hole in your soul by bottling it all up.  Anger eats into you little by little and you lose yourself without even realizing the damage.   That doesn't mean that you should cry and vent every time you are angry; it means you have to use that anger to fuel your inner drive instead and aim for inner peace instead.  It takes a day, a month and sometimes a lifetime for  to learn to forgive, forget and convert anger into strength.  Mastering anger is one of the keys to achieving inner peace and we all know that peace is infinitely more glorious than war, any day.

Angry bird toppers made out of fondant for an angry bird cake theme.  Sling, stones and wood pieces (including TNT box) made from mini-chocolates and RKT.