April 18, 2011

Grapes on (W)ines

Every year when it's time to celebrate my significant other's birthday, I hear mumblings about age and the depression that comes with aging.  So I chose grapes on vines design for his birthday cake to remind him that there are many things in life that grow dearer and more precious with age. 

Grapes are allowed to mature on their vines before they are used to make delectable wines.  The more aged a wine is, the greater is its value.  Same goes for many whole grains.  The maturity of the grains determine their value as a seed.  Maybe nature is trying to tell us something here...Look not at age as years gone by but look at it as maturity gained.  A gain that allows us to let go of the vanities of childhood or youth and embrace life more with more calm and confidence.  It helps us distinguish between the big and small things in life that really matter in the end.  Age also instills a sense of humility in us and makes us appreciate those older than us.  It teaches us to judge less, respect more and be kind to all around.  I see all these and many more great changes as the years go by and so I can't complain about my loved one growing older.  If you ask me, as the years go by I find him more attractive and more intoxicating than a glass of red wine: good for the heart and soul!

A banana/pineapple cake with butter cream frosting was the calling for this special day.

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