July 2, 2011

100% Princess

As I start to write this 100th blog post I am amazed at how fast and wonderful the journey has been. A journey that started just a little over a year ago is now close to it's culmination point. With the increasing demands of work, family and cakes my cup is brimming over. So, I've decided to convert some of the write-ups into a book and focus more on the social media on the internet for a while instead.  This web logging (blogging) of my thoughts about life and its several mysteries through cakes and treats has been very sweet and satisfactory. I couldn't have done it without the support from my family and friends. They say success is 99 percent perspiration and only 1 percent inspiration. In this case I think the reverse is true. I have gathered inspiration to create and write from everything and everyone around me and put in only 1% of my own hard work for the final outcomes on each cake-board.  So, a word of deep gratitude I must pen to all of you.

I've always written from my heart and the fact that some of my own thoughts reverberate with some of yours is quite amazing given that we all have different genes.  This tells me that all in all we are not much unlike each other and the basis of our genetic composition is to do good in general.   This in in turn gives me hope that it's not just a mere fantasy world where I see no war, no ill feelings and no pride or prejudice amongst people under the same sky.

Dressed in hot pink and white this was a pineapple supreme cake covered with fondant on the top layer and butter-cream on the bottom layer.  The cakes were filled with apricot/pineapple spread and banana/vanilla custard respectively.  The tiara on top was hand molded from sugar-paste and adorned with sugar pearls to wish a very happy 1st birthday to an absolutely cute princess, Lasya.  Just like a princess, may she be surrounded by wishes and dreams that come true everyday.

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