March 4, 2012

Berry Blue

Today, I completed 10 years officially in the US workforce (yes, my day job). The congratulatory note and all verbiage associated with this event thanked me/recognized me for my service towards the growth of the company.  It's funny how viewpoints differ. All along I have been viewing this as my journey towards personal satisfaction/fame/money and recognition .  I never ever viewed this as a service I was providing...

Given that there have been days of frustration, thoughts of quitting and never quite imagining I would survive to see this day, it is in itself an amazing fact and I am proud to have made it this far.  There are so many unfortunate people in the world who have so little and are just trying to survive. The feeling that I have achieved A LOT in comparison to many souls out there is slowly starting to sink in! 

I have parents and family members to thank for their support on the way.  I have managers and colleagues to thank; for teaching me something in their own small ways...I have friends to thank for being there when I needed to re-charge/rejuvenate with some laughter and good food.  Last but not the least, I have my competitors and critiques to thank because their  opinions and feedback have kept me honest/integral and helped me constantly strive to do more.  Thank you everyone for being part of my journey.

Folks associate the color blue with feelings of depression, sadness and a melancholy mood...To me, it's my favorite color and I am proud to be part of the white and blue (logo)!  Cheers to all with a blueberry bread.

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