April 18, 2012

Delightful Raspberry Bars

April brings two things to my home every year: another special birthday and the 'special of the season' virus party.  It is uncanny how every April the whole household goes through this utopia of germ fest and seasonal allergies.  Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest takes new meaning altogether.  

Let's talk about the happier aspect: the special birthday.  This recognition goes to my significant other.  Typically I bake cakes for celebrating life (not just a birthday) as I see it.  However, this year I am seriously delinquent in baking for the two mothers in my life (whose birthdays fall in March).  So I decided no ordinary cake would suffice in celebrating so many special people in my life.  Thus instead of the regular cake, I baked a pan of red raspberry shortbread bars with sliced almonds.  This egg-less treat turned out to be a very addictive, sweet, chewy and soul satisfying indulgence. Moms: here's an ode to your sweetness, warmth and soul satisfying comfort that you provide even when you are miles away.   It goes without saying that my significant other has enjoyed his share and yours too (in case you have any doubts). 

Given the condition of the household health, my spouse asked me not to worry about the extra effort to bake this week.  It is funny how I don't view this as an additional effort at all...I guess love and appreciation far exceeds physical fatigue and allows one to do marvelous things. There is some truth to the phrase: "delight your heart and you will have no regrets".  :)

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