December 22, 2012

Season's Greetings and Peace on Earth...

Yet another year has gone by.  As I sit down to write my last post of the year I seem to have mixed feelings about this year and the future.  I do not view myself as the most optimistic person in the world.  Yet my family members tell me that I have unbelievable mental stamina, patience and perseverance.  Three attributes that can bring about incredible results.  So I ask myself why then am I not doing anything about everything wrong out there in the world today? 

The Mayans predicted the end of the world this year.  I think they were right.  Metaphorically speaking the end has started.  We are 'breathing' in an era where the lives of children have no meaning.  We are 'living' in a world where women are the targets of war and acts of barbarism.  We are 'alive' in a world where terrorism is thriving by the day and humanity appears to have set like the distant sun.  Why bother worrying about the future of the planet or who will nurture its health?  The Hippocratic oath of 'do no harm' has now transpired to become more of 'do no good either'...

Then I look the other way and tell myself that there is still good left on earth.  The Mars rover is a victory for mankind, the sciences and the spirit of the human mind.  The incredible feats of the Olympians are an inspiration to the world.  The capture and killing of one of the world's greatest enemy is a sign that we did not give up fighting for what's right in the wake of difficulty or hardship, no matter how long it took.  These give me HOPE.  A crucial element for survival.  The end will happen the day we lose hope and give up.  But we can't do that for there is much at stake and far too many beautiful things worth fighting for: love, peace and justice.

On a personal note, I am thankful that the list of things I am thankful for  this year is too long to count.  But I know that there is more to life that awaits me in the coming year.  Above all I must strive to be worthy of being a human being.    

As I close with a wish for a very safe, happy and peaceful season for all of you I hope that you take a few moments to think about how you can become the change we want to see in the world.  It doesn't have to be something big. It doesn't have to be something grand.  Small yet effective changes like education, the value of discipline, family time, encouragement, respect for one another, etc.  And just like charity, it all begins right at home.  

Season's greetings and peace on earth...   

December 8, 2012

A Field of Flowers...

Eggless orange-pineapple cake with apricot pineapple preserve filling and buttercream frosting.

November 27, 2012

A Glass Full of Delight

It should come as no big surprise really that life's best lessons are learnt by living life itself.  Sometimes the best way to learn is through experience.  Sometimes it is better to heed the advice of the wise and yet at other times it is neither and one must rely on sheer instinct.  No matter what the outcome of each life-lesson, we have a habit of complaining and wishing for something more, something else.  The pursuit appears to be endless but what if we paused just for a second and looked around us? Will we suddenly find ourselves more fortunate than another? Will we stop lamenting about our woes and wishing that the next person's troubles never find their ways to our home?  The answer most certainly is a YES. 

Each one of us have our own battles to fight.  Each and every family has their Achilles' heels.  By wishing our troubles away and complaining that our glass is half empty we do ourselves no good.  Instead if we look at the half-filled glass we have, we can focus on the joys they bring and perhaps be less judgemental about our own selves and of others.  This holiday season let's try and enjoy whatever the glass holds for each of us and try to relax a little.  Times are getting tougher and the fight of our lives will continue to unfold as a new year dawns upon us.

Petite glasses filled with layers mimicking dark chocolate and raspberry tiramisu delights.

November 10, 2012

Life Begins at 40

An eggless mellow lemon flavored cake filled with apricot/pineapple preseve and dressed in white fondant/hotpink/black polka dot decor to match the theme of the birthday party. Cheers to living it up in the years to come!

November 6, 2012

Election Style...

Today is another day of choices: red or blue?  Meaning Republican or Democrat...who should we choose to lead our nation? Who do we make the most powerful citizen of the free nation? Freedom gives us the right to vote and choose our leaders.  But no matter what the outcome is we must remember a few things:
1.  Success of the nation lies in the hands of each and every citizen, not just the leaders.  We must continue to do our best and treat others with respect and trust.
2. Change is difficult and bringing about change that makes life better is a hard uphill task. So let's stop being judgemental.
3. As long as we strive hard and keep freedom alive a nation will prosper and progress.  Let's pledge to work together to harness in an era of good education, decent lifestyle and a sense of pride for ALL citizens.

Let us all be the change that we wish to see around us. 

November 3, 2012

Angry Anyone?

Hands down, Angry Birds is the game of the first quarter of this century.  It is yet another pivotal innovation first released on the operating system of the fruit company that does not sell a single piece of fruit.  If ever there was something that could unite nations, generations or people of various ages and backgrounds it has to be this computer game.  The game was born with a variety of wingless birds being angry at one knew what at the time.  But since swine flu was an epidemic during the creation of this application, pigs became the first (and obvious) chosen enemies (now there are other variations ofcourse). It sure is amazing how addictive it can be to propel wingless birds as projectiles to kill some bodyless pigs with all kinds of attitude.  What a remarkable creation by Rovio...

Anger can be a deadly emotion.  It not only kills your inner self but also those around you, silently.  It's okay to be mad and angry at times about things not going your way-- that is normal human psychology.  But if this emotion starts to consume your very existence then there's a problem. It would be great if there were no laws against throwing projectiles at our enemies- we too, like the birds could score big and be happy at the end of a win.  But since society prevents us from tossing bricks at each other we are forced to manage anger in other ways.  Some cry, some withdraw, some vent their feelings while some end up with worse predicaments.  I believe the worst style of anger management is when you silently burn a hole in your soul by bottling it all up.  Anger eats into you little by little and you lose yourself without even realizing the damage.   That doesn't mean that you should cry and vent every time you are angry; it means you have to use that anger to fuel your inner drive instead and aim for inner peace instead.  It takes a day, a month and sometimes a lifetime for  to learn to forgive, forget and convert anger into strength.  Mastering anger is one of the keys to achieving inner peace and we all know that peace is infinitely more glorious than war, any day.

Angry bird toppers made out of fondant for an angry bird cake theme.  Sling, stones and wood pieces (including TNT box) made from mini-chocolates and RKT. 

October 27, 2012

Spooky Fun

Spooky fun seems to be a misnomer of sorts...Let's face it: no one feels fear and fun at the same instant, unless you are on a roller coaster.  Even on a roller coaster ride you feel fear in a controlled environment and hence it appears like a thrill.  Would you ever venture on one if someone told you that there had been no maintenance done on the unit or worse if they thought a screw had come loose somewhere?

What is fear and why is it the driving force behind everything in life?  Why does the distressing emotion brought on by impending danger or pain force us to drive in over gear?  Fear of repercussion, fear of failure, fear of poverty, fear of death...the list is endless. What would our lives look like if we had none of these? 

Buddhism teaches us that much of our suffering, both as individuals and as a society ebbs from fear.  Fear is at the very root of our egos and personalities.  It manifests itself in the fight or flight syndrome worldwide and extensive research in science and religion is being done even to this day to understand how to overcome this emotion and master it.  There must be a bigger force of nature that allows soldiers to overcome fear in the face of death, that allows a mother to venture into the most daring acts of valor when it comes to her child or that pushes a person to unknown limits of bravery. 

Perhaps the keys to conquering fear are threefold:
1. To believe strongly: in yourself and a higher power
2. The confidence of knowing that our words and actions are true and
3. To free onself from constant judgement

When we start to heed our conscience and look at the world with our hearts rather than our egos,  we become liberated and there is nothing more fun in life than a fearless demeanor.

October 23, 2012

Our 3 P's

From as far back in memory as I can recall, I remember my parents preaching two things over and over again: to strive towards a life of financial independence and to push myself to the limit of my potential.  Thanks to their efforts and constant push, I managed to get a decent education and a job to pay for the miseries I have come to enjoy in life.  But the lessons of life didn't end there. 

The job world opened up a whole world of education in a new form in front of me and I learnt very quickly that doing your best and acquiring a paycheck doesn't really mean much in the long run.  There are other aspects to navigating the corporate zoo.

First, the job-world is definitely not a child's playground.  There are no kudos for 'playing fair' or 'playing nice': instead you have to learn the art of 'playing savvy' while mastering office politics. Translation: Professionalism

Second, there are no 'friends' at work, they are your colleagues, mentors, coaches or at best acquaintances.  The best friendships are typically what you have nurtured back in your school/college days.  The sooner you accept this the easier it becomes to manage workload and finish your tasks. Translation: Productivity (Matrix Management/Collaboration)

Third and quite important: how you look, walk, talk and present yourself.  Translation: Personality. The whole nine yards count: your people skills, your mannerism, your integrity and your nature.

The fact that you were selected for a job means you are technically qualified.  There's very little debate there unless you were hired by turkeys.  But what about the 3P's that go with you everywhere? What about the soft skills that no one talks about or trains you on but the keys to opening doors everywhere?

And thus was born the concept of having a forum at our workplace that caters to the development of our 3 P's.  Let's face it: You have to have a good ROI (return on investment) for your time and dedication towards the work you do. You have to make your work count and be acknowledged.  In order to do that, you need to sharpen your saw and take advantage of the sweet benefits of the P's.  Remember, mom always wanted you to eat your peas, they are good for you...and now I know, moms are never wrong...

Sugar cookies baked with fondant peas for our next 3P Forum talk.  Thanks Tracy for all the hard work! 

October 18, 2012

Garland of Fortune

A chocolate cake dressed in an edible flower garland (made of cake and frosting) and the restaurant logo marking a new beginning for Chennai Masala in Hillsboro, Oregon.  Wish you all the best!

October 5, 2012

Modern Foret Noire

A modern twist on the black forest cake: chocolate cake layered with strawberry preserve, whipped cream and topped with whipped cream, strawberry jelly, chocolate curls/balls and edible glitter.

September 29, 2012

Lil' Monkey

Most of us are inherently fond of little children.  They carry with them love and warmth.  They bring about joy, cheer, hope and a future worth looking forward to.  The birth of a child brings about many things: new beginnings, new found appreciation for our parents, belief in a higher power, the virtue of patience and the vulnerability that we don't control everything after all.  In addition to some of life's greatest lessons, a child teaches us many simple things.... 

A child teaches us to love without prejudice, to forgive without seeking vengeance, to overlook imperfections, to find blissful joy in a sandbox and to enjoy life without peer pressures and ego-hassles.  Cognitively speaking their cranial neurons have not formed enough connections to recognize stress, fear competition or prepare for achieving perfection.  As such they can giggle and laugh and 'monkey' around without a care in the world.  Over the years as the burden of responsibility, social competition or financial goals hit our lives we tend to lose that carefree attitude but somewhere somehow that little monkey never dies from our heart and soul.  This is perhaps why people tend to act inappropriately under toxication or extreme power. Scientific terms call it 'amygdala hijack'. 

Whatever be the neurological reason behind our actions/words, I still believe that in order to stay young we must keep that lil' monkey alive in us.  Every so often (be it on vacation or when we are not prone to causing harm onto others) we ought to let the child in us come out and enjoy life without a care in the world; we ought to skip and jump and add vigour back to our otherwise serious routine of life. Go ahead, run barefeet in the grass, bike to your nearest park and lay under the tree with the sun shining through, float a few paper boats in the nearest puddle or wade through a stream of cold, clear water.  I guarantee you that the lil' monkey in your heart will thank you for it.

An eggless chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling was draped in antique white fondant to grace this baby shower occasion.  Atop the cake sat a completely edible little monkey in an all edible crib (sans the ribbons). Welcome little one to your special family...


Baby in Pink

A baby shower gift for someone dear (with a little help from a commercial bakery).  Chocolate cake with chocolate mousse, white buttercream frosting and handmade fondant decor.

September 23, 2012

Holiday Cookies

The title of the post is probably a bit premature...given that most of the celebrations and festivals are yet to come.  But what do you do when after a nice, long vacation you are thrown back in the fire and heat of work, school and all aspects of responsibilities?  You crave for something that gives you the feeling of lasting comfort even if it's at the cost of enormous guilt.  To beat post vacation blues in my home I came up with a twist on the raspberry jam bars...metamorphosed the same recipe into cookies this time.  Sweet, chewy and slightly tart in taste  these cookies were paired with a glass of cold milk to give everyone a smile and some energy to 'conquer the world'.

At this point, as the Monday blues hit home on an otherwise relaxing Sunday evening, I feel the need for a mood lifting potion myself.  Inertia as defined in the physics text books is indeed a dangerous thing.  When I am on the go, there is no stopping, no resting and no pausing.  One break from the crazy pace and I feel derailed.  It feels like I have to climb Mt. Everest all over again to get back into the swing of things.  Does anyone else feel that way?  Does that mean long trips and holidays spent in distant lands are bad for folks like me? may feel awful to work hard again, but long holidays to yonder lands are wonderful because they help you reconnect with many things in life: 
1. Your health
2. Your family
3. Your friends and relatives
4. Your roots and above all
5. Your heart and soul...

I shall strive to take more breaks and not fear the pace.  I shall strive to work with a smile and laugh while I play, for there's always a sweet thing or two that is around to glue the gaps between. 

August 12, 2012


Celebrating my son's fifth birthday with a lemon cake layered with raspberry and apricot/pineapple preserves...Yummylicious...

August 10, 2012

Brilliant Radiance

The title on this post suggests a sunny disposition and an attitude that brings radiating joy all around.  A Leo in all sense of the word, these attributes describe one of the rays of sunshine in my life: my little boy who turned five this year.  These little sunshine cupcakes were designed by him and executed by mom and big sister to bring a little brightness to his class.  Happy Birthday Ronak!

August 3, 2012

Saffron Halwa

People are raving about the Olympics.  The athletes, the events, the good, the bad, the weather and everything even remotely tied to winning a medal.  I too have been closely following some of the excitement and marvelling at the grace, poise, tenacity and will power of champions.  The ability of 16 year olds in handling the stress of having just a 'few' people's eyes on them or the ability of 30 yr olds in keeping up with the physical stamina of teenagers in pursuit of perfection and speed is mindboggling.  Add to that the fact that many of us have dealt with similar pressures and performance issues academically and you realize what an amazing artifact the human brain is...With practice and perseverance the brain can be wired any which way to master an art and that's what they call "champions by design"- a very important concept of neurology.  

Regardless of who wins medals or which flag flies high there's something else that I am loving more about this year's Games.  It has given me an opportunity to indulge in what I call "snuggles with the family".  I love sinking into a single couch or the bed with everyone and cozy up to watch the delayed telecasts.  I had quite forgotten how comforting it feels to take a few moments to just sit with the family, snuggle the kids, giggle, laugh and fall asleep on each other.   It feels like I am surrounded by the warmth of little wheatlets cooked in milk, sugar, ghee and saffron, just like the dish called 'halwa'...just another form of the ultimate culinary comfort...

My take?  If you haven't tried the dish, that's fine but you will be missing something for sure if you don't take the time to hug the family.  Time is flying by fast and we don't realize it amidst the rat race of corporate ladders and social comparisons.  Sometimes it's the little things in life that matter the most...nothing else comes close.

July 27, 2012

The Olympic Flames 2012

Let's celebrate the Olympians of this year with this bouquet of raspberry flowers bursting amidst a vanilla cheesecake. Go champions!

July 23, 2012

A Burst of Sunshine

Dark chocolate-orange cupcakes filled with coffee flavored chocolate pudding and topped with fondant/royal icing decor.  Happy Summer everyone!

July 4, 2012


A 10th wedding anniversary cake made out of simple white vanilla cake and fondant decor.  The cake was served with fresh berries and homemade whipped cream.  Here's to another 10 years of fireworks to brighten your lives.

June 17, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Banana-raisin-almond muffins with a touch of extra-dark chocolate chips.

June 15, 2012

Sweet Expectations

Here's a basic truth of life my sister taught me: "Experience everything and expect nothing".  With her birthday drawing near I have been thinking of her lately.  She is about to start a new job in a new city and the apprehension of the unknown probably has her stressed a bit.  What should she expect out of her new work? Of the new city?  Of her new co-workers?  She told me that she found it best to keep expectations at an all time low to avoid disappointment.  Such a profound truth in the reality of life...

Often times we are more disappointed because our expectations are not met or that we set them too high.  A broken friendship, a failed relationship or a less than satisfactory job role are common nuances of setting high expectations.  But you could also argue that those who have low expectations and goals rarely surge ahead.  Having lower than ideal aspirations in life means low self esteem, lack of self respect and soon you become a door mat.  So we need to find the fine balance of the right expectations without setting ourselves up for disappointment.  This balance is as subtle as ensuring there's the right pinch of salt or sugar in a dish.  The dominant trait of the dish comes from what you add more of.

In short, we need to have some basic expectations out of life, people, family and friends.  When we don't see them being met, we need to take it with a grain of 'salt' (no pun intended) and change our thought process accordingly.  We then need to focus on the sweeter deals and those that satisfy our sweet expectations a lot better.

June 9, 2012

Terrific Jungle Friends

A pineapple flavored cake with two layers of pineapple and apricot spread was covered in melon flavored fondant.  Figurines are made from fondant, tree from RKT.  Here's wishing a good start to the terrific two's for the little girl.

May 31, 2012

Little Bites of Americana

These petit fours were made to honor the teachers and staff of Carden Cascade Academy.  The tremendous effort towards putting up this year's Spring Performance titled "Americana" with "cracker-jacks" and "Take me to the ball game" could only be rewarded by little bites of strawberry cake dressed in bright red, white and blue.  Here's to a rocking Summer ahead!

May 20, 2012

Sweet Reunion

The month of May is zooming by very fast for me this year.  There's no time to appreciate the flowers or the sunshine much less bake...Some of my friends and colleagues call me an overachiever.  It must be so and the fact that I am a workaholic by nature.  The busier I am the happier I feel. Sounds strange, doesn't it?  Yes, there are moments I wish I could just vegetate on the couch and take a snooze, but then I feel like sleep is way over-rated.  Life is so short and there's so much to do with so little time...

With all the traveling, work and a super busy schedule I must say I have been very blessed to have a supportive spouse and the most wonderful kids on this planet.  They pick up after me, help me and support me in ways that even they don't know of.  Nothing but the best orange blueberry bundt bread will do when it comes to thanking such an awesome family.  The taste of sweet reunion...

April 18, 2012

Delightful Raspberry Bars

April brings two things to my home every year: another special birthday and the 'special of the season' virus party.  It is uncanny how every April the whole household goes through this utopia of germ fest and seasonal allergies.  Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest takes new meaning altogether.  

Let's talk about the happier aspect: the special birthday.  This recognition goes to my significant other.  Typically I bake cakes for celebrating life (not just a birthday) as I see it.  However, this year I am seriously delinquent in baking for the two mothers in my life (whose birthdays fall in March).  So I decided no ordinary cake would suffice in celebrating so many special people in my life.  Thus instead of the regular cake, I baked a pan of red raspberry shortbread bars with sliced almonds.  This egg-less treat turned out to be a very addictive, sweet, chewy and soul satisfying indulgence. Moms: here's an ode to your sweetness, warmth and soul satisfying comfort that you provide even when you are miles away.   It goes without saying that my significant other has enjoyed his share and yours too (in case you have any doubts). 

Given the condition of the household health, my spouse asked me not to worry about the extra effort to bake this week.  It is funny how I don't view this as an additional effort at all...I guess love and appreciation far exceeds physical fatigue and allows one to do marvelous things. There is some truth to the phrase: "delight your heart and you will have no regrets".  :)

April 15, 2012

Hammer, Nails and Building Blocks

Today, after many days, I have found a few moments to pen some thoughts down again.  This afternoon my children attended a  party at a local hardware store.  It was quite a unique setting.  There were a real hammer, real nails and pieces of real wood involved- so all in all the excitement was understandable.   As they spent some quality time under the warm sun; hammering nails into blocks of wood to build a sail boat and a bird house I watched and reminisced my engineering-school days.  How times have changed...  

The first time I held a real hammer and nail and had the liberty to work on pieces of wood all on my own was in my late teens.  My children are fortunate to have the same experience at a much earlier age thanks to the creative minds of Home Depot. From Lego pieces to carpentry, my children are starting to grasp the concept of how things are built.  This concept could easily have been taught to them through books and other media.  But would they have ever understood what it felt to hit a finger instead of the head of the nail? Or for that matter would they have ever appreciated the effort that goes into hand-made objects? Or the pride that comes from building something by hand? I doubt it.  

Experience counts ten times more than any chapter in any given book.  It helps build a foundation stronger than any cement block.  It makes us who we are and helps us understand a situation better than anyone else.  And with the experience comes the understanding and the appreciation of a task/situation without any preconceived judgement. In life, we must thus strive to experience everything but expect nothing...

April 8, 2012

Easter Eggcitement

Vanilla cake layered with cream cheese frosting and topped with royal icing decor.  Have a great egg hunting experience this Easter!

April 7, 2012

Many Happy Rings of the Year

Egg-less vanilla cake with pineapple/apricot preserve filling and a light cream cheese frosting.  May Saturn ring in another year of good health, happiness and cheer.

March 17, 2012

Of Stars, Jedis and Dark Knights...

Dark chocolate cake layered with chocolate ganache and topped with fondant decor in Star Wars theme.  May the force be with you...

March 12, 2012

Spring Lady

Every year I get all teary eyed and nostalgic around early March.  The occasion is marked by my daughter's birthday.  This year she turned seven and at first I thought to myself: we don't need a big party to celebrate...she is past the years for parties, cakes and gifts.  Then I looked around and found myself thinking twice. 

I am a volunteer baker for a non-profit organization called Icing Smiles.  Their mission is to deliver birthday cakes to families with critically ill children.  They celebrate life, not just a birthday!  Some of these kids don't even make it through a half dozen years and the celebration of each year of life is so well understood and so much more meaningful.  Life is very precious and equally unpredictable and there is no right or wrong when it comes to celebrating another year of life...

So here we are this year with an all fondant three tiered cake.  The cake was a mix of  strawberry and vanilla.  Apricot/pineapple preserve and strawberry preserve were used as the fillings in alternate layers.  The actual event was more in accordance to M's wishes.  The cake flavor, the venue, the guest list and the food were chosen by her.  I let her dictate a part of the planning.  Simply because I wanted her to feel that as she is growing up, she can make some decisions that will be respected. It's a small step in letting her build her own confidence towards decision making and feeling empowered.  For, prepare her I must, for the world that's ahead of her in the years to come.  Spring ahead, my little lady and may you be happy and succeed each step of the way.

March 4, 2012

Berry Blue

Today, I completed 10 years officially in the US workforce (yes, my day job). The congratulatory note and all verbiage associated with this event thanked me/recognized me for my service towards the growth of the company.  It's funny how viewpoints differ. All along I have been viewing this as my journey towards personal satisfaction/fame/money and recognition .  I never ever viewed this as a service I was providing...

Given that there have been days of frustration, thoughts of quitting and never quite imagining I would survive to see this day, it is in itself an amazing fact and I am proud to have made it this far.  There are so many unfortunate people in the world who have so little and are just trying to survive. The feeling that I have achieved A LOT in comparison to many souls out there is slowly starting to sink in! 

I have parents and family members to thank for their support on the way.  I have managers and colleagues to thank; for teaching me something in their own small ways...I have friends to thank for being there when I needed to re-charge/rejuvenate with some laughter and good food.  Last but not the least, I have my competitors and critiques to thank because their  opinions and feedback have kept me honest/integral and helped me constantly strive to do more.  Thank you everyone for being part of my journey.

Folks associate the color blue with feelings of depression, sadness and a melancholy mood...To me, it's my favorite color and I am proud to be part of the white and blue (logo)!  Cheers to all with a blueberry bread.

February 26, 2012

Sweet Hearts

This weekend my daughter and I took a trip to Boston to meet one of my cousins, an aunt and an uncle after a span of almost 15 years. I was a bit anxious and apprehensive about the meet but the occasion was extra special to warrant the cross country trip. We were about to meet my 4 week old niece for the first time on her first month's birthday!  No ordinary treat would suffice for this occasion but the long trip did not allow for an elaborate cake.  Thus, I had to settle on some home made sugar cookies dressed pretty in fondant decor.  Shaped like hearts and stars to signify the new sweet heart in our lives and the fact that a star has been born, the treats were simple and elegant and I think a perfect touch for the occasion besides other tangible baby gifts.

Little did I know that my entire weekend's experience would bring forth a flood of warm memories, loads of yummy delights and the reiteration in my mind that after all said and done, family time is so important in life.  Every single member of the family made a conscious effort to make us feel right at home from the time we arrived till the time we left.  There were stories of past years shared, warm hugs, a few tears and some good laughs.  In a mere 48 hours time I had re-lived my entire childhood and revisited the entire journey of my own motherhood.  What was most amazing was how despite not having met any one before my daughter merged right in and by the end of it all she had earned a place in everyone's heart.  She has now nurtured a bond with family members whom she had never known to exist.  

I call this a necessary step in growing up; getting to know your roots and keeping in touch with distant family members.  In this day and age of technology, isolation seems to have become a norm.  We are lonelier than ever before despite the best efforts of creating virtual reality and a sense of community through online media and devices.  What we all need and perhaps crave for is that personal touch, that meaningful hug and the warmth and assurance that comes straight from the heart.

February 16, 2012

Stars, Moons and Magic Dust

Celebrating a terrific two-some birthday with the most magical character of the planet? It can only be done with sugar cookies, mickey ears and a sprinkle of stars, moons and sugary dust...Many happy returns to a boy with a magical smile!

February 15, 2012

A Special 5th...

Valentine's day and a special fifth anniversary at the same time-frame calls for a celebration in chocolate and strawberries...Sugar filigree hearts with sugar pearls to add an elegant touch to the celebration. Congratulations to a special couple.

February 14, 2012

Da Love Log

Red velvet roll cake filled with cream cheese mousse and covered with dark chocolate ganache...Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

January 29, 2012

A Splash of One-derful Fun

A wonderful birthday is wished for a special little boy turning one! May his years be full of good health and cheer. The cake had a layer of red velvet and pineapple flavored cakes on each stack with cream cheese pudding in between. Rohan, hope you having a 'splashing' year ahead; go ahead and make waves...

Going on Twelve...

Eleven years of walking side by side, laughing together, sharing tears and watching each other 'grow' in many ways ... As we continue on this journey of life together I know not what the future holds for us. I can only hope and pray that the next year holds as much promise, love, trust and happiness as those gone by...

January 25, 2012

Dark Comfort

Today, I am another year older and another step closer to the dreaded 'over the hill' mark, as they call it.  The years are moving along and this time I am inclined to feel a little wiser.  That is, if wiser can be equated with being more informed from life's lessons.  

I have learnt a lot this past year.  
  1. I have learnt that I have been blessed with an amazing family of loved ones, well wishers and friends.
  2. I have learnt that fretting over anything only makes it ten times worse.
  3.  I have learnt that doing the right thing does matter.  
  4. I have learnt that patience and humility are immense virtues when it comes to raising children.
  5. I have learnt that results are more amazing when the work comes from the heart and soul and not just the head.
  6. I have learnt that you can never tell someone you love that you love them enough number of times. 
  7. I have learnt that compromise and trust are the foundation blocks to a marriage. 
  8. I have learnt that talking to and spending time with aging parents is the best gift you can give them.
  9. I have learnt that the best way to teach your children something is to let them make a mistake first (only when it's not life threatening of course). 
  10. And, above all I have  learnt that holding a grudge in life is more detrimental to health than this six layer chocolate truffle cake that I call 'dark comfort'.  
So for this coming year I am going to try really hard not to focus on the 'sour grapes' but to indulge in the juicy red ones (sometimes a glass of the fermented variety also ;) ).  I think I will do wonders for my heart and soul that way and you know what?  When I am happier the people around me are happier too; and that means the world to me!

January 23, 2012

Terrific Two with Elmo

A stacked cake frosted in buttercream and dressed in fondant decorations.  Each stack consisted of a layer of red velvet and a layer of pineapple cake with a cream cheese mousse filling in between.  Happy Terrific Two!

January 16, 2012

The Kilimanjaro Treat

Upside down mini red velvet cupcakes dressed with white frosting and sugar pearls to mimic the South African volcanic mountain that exhibits a snow capped peak.