September 12, 2010

Fall Colors

Leaves in the Fall come tumbling down; 
scarlet and yellow, orange and brown
They light the woods afire with color 
and prepare the trees for a winter allure. 

Fall is a gorgeous time in many parts of North America and Canada.  It's a time when nature takes a final bow before the curtain-call of cold, white winter. It's also the time when schools start a new session in many parts of the world. My daughter starts a new phase in her life this week (aka Kindergarten). A potluck picnic party was organized to celebrate the start of all things good. Our contribution, this chewy dark chocolate fudge brownie, was drizzled with colored white chocolate to mimic the season around us.  

Here's wishing every student a great year ahead.  May their minds be allowed to explore freely and may their hearts rejoice in the knowledge they gain in the process.

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